Political Support

Popular Support

Our Founders

  • Jack Boag

    Jack lives in Aberdeen and is a member of the Scottish Labour Party. They’re an elections and boundaries nerd so likes things that are transparent and accountable.

  • Dovydas Kuliešas

    Dovydas joined the SNP in Spring 2017, and has been a member of the party since. Lithuanian by birth, lost in identity crisis on the banks of the Clyde by choice, a devoted social democrat by belief, his interests include history, antifascism, khachapuri, speculative fiction and foreign policy.

  • Erin

    Erin is an SNP member who lives in Glasgow. Originally from Canada, she’s not used to seeing the monarchy so close up.

  • Allan Faulds

    Allan is the daft geek behind Ballot Box Scotland, and therefore loves elections and wants more of them.

  • Rob McDowall

    Rob lives in Glasgow. Has a penchant for chocolate and cheese and is a member of the SNP. He is passionate about tackling injustice and working to ensure the new Scottish social security system delivers for those in most need.

  • Alex Mulholland

    Alex lives in Highland Perthshire. He is a Gaelic & Scots speaker. He believes in supporting minority languages and rural communities.

  • James K Puchowski

    James is a linguist, book hoarder, and a Scottish Green. He grew up in England, dislikes feudalism, and believes Scotland should be an independent republic with strong municipal government.

  • Sinéad Collins

    Sinéad is an Irish woman and SNP activist living in Edinburgh. She’s a fierce believer in human rights and equality for all, and therefore believes that abolishing the monarchy is the best route forward for our society.

  • James Wysocki

    James is a member of the SNP who lives in Glasgow and works within education. He believes in a Scottish Republic and giving power to the people, not an unelected monarch.

  • Stanley Wilkinson

    Stanley is a Chemistry student and member of the Scottish Greens from Fife who loves elections so will never miss a chance to get more of them.

  • Mathew Nicolson

    Mathew is a Shetlander and member of the Scottish Green Party. He believes in democracy and looks forward to being on the losing side of presidential elections.

  • Jack Deeth

    Jack lives in the north-east of Scotland and opposes hereditary power on principle.

  • Gwen Wall

    Gwen is a Labour and Co-operative activist in Glasgow. She believes in a Scottish Republic within the Union.

  • Stephanie Melnick

    Stephanie is a queer, autistic activist & writer who enjoys joining committees just a little too much. She has worked with numerous climate & environmental groups and is a member of the SNP. They believe in creating a truly democratic Scotland which necessitates the removal of the monarchy. Stephanie uses she/they pronouns.