Committee and Founders

Who we are

Executive Committee – Elected by our membership

Cameron Archibald – Vice-Convenor

Cameron is a public policy and economic analyst based in Stirling. He works within Scotland’s education system and separately campaigns for an independent Scottish republic.

Tristan Gray – Treasurer

Tristan moved to Scotland in 2014 and dove straight into politics. He’s a software engineer in his day job and a policy writer who’s been active across two political parties.

He has extensive campaign experience in Scottish elections and is also one of the co-founders of the End Conversion Therapy Campaign.

John Hall – Procedures

John is a small business owner working in sports and education. He is passionate about play and helping young people lead healthier and happier lives. He believes deeply in the importance of good role models and it’s this idea that attracted him to ‘Our Republic’. He wants to live in a world where the leaders of our society are fairly elected and represent our values. He believes that change happens locally and nationally.

Connor Cloughley – Media and Comms

Connor is a small business owner which specialises in digital strategy, game design and marketing. He is also a content creator under the alias AyeforScotland which originally began as a blog in 2013 in support of Scottish independence.

He believes an independent Scotland shouldn’t be beholden to a hereditary power structure.

Kiran Khan – Media and Comms

Kiran is a Labour Councillor and former Deputy Mayor of Crawley. She works in Westminster and is an active member of Unite the Union. Kiran has a degree in Digital Media and is former chair of Crawley Campaign Against Racism.

Founders – The people who were involved from day one

Jack Boag – Founder

Jack lives in Aberdeen and is a member of the Scottish Labour Party. They’re an elections and boundaries nerd so likes things that are transparent and accountable.

Dovydas Kuliešas – Founder

Dovydas joined the SNP in Spring 2017, and has been a member of the party since. Lithuanian by birth, lost in identity crisis on the banks of the Clyde by choice, a devoted social democrat by belief, his interests include history, antifascism, khachapuri, speculative fiction and foreign policy.

Erin – Founder

Erin is an SNP member who lives in Glasgow. Originally from Canada, she’s not used to seeing the monarchy so close up.

Allan Faulds – Founder

Allan is the daft geek behind Ballot Box Scotland, and therefore loves elections and wants more of them.

Rob McDowall – Founder

Rob lives in Glasgow. Has a penchant for chocolate and cheese and is a member of the SNP. He is passionate about tackling injustice and working to ensure the new Scottish social security system delivers for those in most need.

Alex Mulholland – Founder

Alex lives in Highland Perthshire. He is a Gaelic & Scots speaker. He believes in supporting minority languages and rural communities.

James K Puchowski – Founder

James is a linguist, book hoarder, and a Scottish Green. He grew up in England, dislikes feudalism, and believes Scotland should be an independent republic with strong municipal government.

Sinéad Collins – Founder

Sinéad is an Irish woman and SNP activist living in Edinburgh. She’s a fierce believer in human rights and equality for all, and therefore believes that abolishing the monarchy is the best route forward for our society.

James Wysocki – Founder

James is a member of the SNP who lives in Glasgow and works within education. He believes in a Scottish Republic and giving power to the people, not an unelected monarch.

Stanley Wilkinson- Founder

Stanley is a Chemistry student and member of the Scottish Greens from Fife who loves elections so will never miss a chance to get more of them.

Mathew Nicolson – Founder

Mathew is a Shetlander and member of the Scottish Green Party. He believes in democracy and looks forward to being on the losing side of presidential elections.

Jack Deeth – Founder

Jack lives in the north-east of Scotland and opposes hereditary power on principle.

Gwen Wall – Founder

Gwen is a Labour and Co-operative activist in Glasgow. She believes in a Scottish Republic within the Union.

Stephanie Melnick – Founder

Stephanie is a queer, autistic activist & writer who enjoys joining committees just a little too much. She has worked with numerous climate & environmental groups and is a member of the SNP. They believe in creating a truly democratic Scotland which necessitates the removal of the monarchy. Stephanie uses she/they pronouns.

Contributors – The people who have contributed to our articles (coming soon)